IFI, in collaboration with the Bobst-AUB Collaborative Initiative, held a discussion titled “Democracy for Realists” on June 27. The event featured co-author of Democracy for Realists Professor of Politics Emeritus at Princeton University Christopher Achen, with Research Development Manager at IFI and Instructor of Sociology Rima Rassi as a discussant.
IFI and International Alert held a panel discussion titled “Strengthening Social Stability in and through Education” on June 22. The first panel titled “The need to work on social stability in and through education” featured Rasha Halat, Assistant Professor at the Lebanese University and consultant at International Alert, and Cory Rodgers, Anthropologist at the University of Oxford. The second panel titled "How to work on social stability through education” included Caline Saad, from International Alert, Elio Gharios, Director of Basmeh and Zeitooneh, as well as Ismahan Farhat, UNICEF Lebanon Child Protection Specialist.
IFI, in collaboration with the Middle East Council on Global Affairs, held a webinar on “Refugees in the Middle East: Navigating an Uncertain Future” on June 21. The panel included Mideast policy analyst and director of the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center Merissa Khurma, ME Council Affiliate and Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Foreign Policy Program at the Brookings Institution Reva Dhingra, and Chair of the IDRC Forced Displacement Program for the Middle East and IFI University Fellow Fouad Fouad. The event was moderated by ME Council Director of the Governance and Development Program Nader Kabbani.
In collaboration with the Embassy of Austria in Lebanon, IFI held a discussion on “Current Challenges to Neutrality: Lessons Learned from Austria” on June 12. The discussion featured International Law Expert and Legal Advisor to the Austrian Foreign Ministry Ambassador Helmut Tichy, with the participation of Austrian Ambassador to Lebanon René Paul Amry, former Lebanese Foreign Minister and IFI Associate Fellow Nassif Hitti, and moderated by Institute Director Joseph Bahout.
IFI in collaboration with SAWA for Development and Aid held a webinar on "Unpacking the Refugees Situation in Lebanon and the Issue of Return" as part of the Brussels VII Conference on "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region" on June 2, 2023. The panel discussion gathered IFI University Fellow Fouad Fouad, Ali Mourad – Kulluna Irada, Fadi Hallisso – Bassmeh and Zeitooneh, Lynn Kseibi – Sawa for Development and Aid, and Tracey Maulfair – UNHCR, moderated by Founder and Director of Sawa for Development and Aid Rouba Mhaissen.
November 2024