في إطار سلسلة الحلقات الدراسيّة عبر الويب تحت عنوان "الشباب في المناطق المهمّشة في لبنان: جيوب الفقر اللبنانية والمخيّمات الفلسطينيّة والتجمعات السوريّة"، تشرّف معهد عصام فارس للسياسات العامّة والشؤون الدوليّة في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت (IFI) بالشراكة مع الهيئة اللبنانية للعلوم التربوية (LAES) بدعوة لحضور الحلقة السادسة من هذه السلسلة وذلك يوم الاثنين ١٥ تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر ٢٠٢١عند الساعة ١١ صباحًا بتوقيت بيروت
The AUB Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) in partnership with EuroMESCO and the EU mission in Lebanon, cordially hosted a webinar titled “Public Procurement Law: What are the challenges for implementation?”on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 4:00 pm (Beirut time).
Read more. Watch the rerun here. The AUB Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), in partnership with Chatham House (CH), the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP), and BASIC, and with the support of UN Women, organized a webinar titled “Inclusivity and think tanks in the Arab world: What needs to change?” on Thursday, November 4, 2021. The event was an occasion to present and launch the Arabic version of Chatham House’s “Gender, think-tanks, and international affairs: a toolkit”. A practical guide constructed to assist think-tanks and the research community across the Arab world in integrating a gender-based initiative into their structure, staff, and career lifestyle. The toolkit is fundamentally a roadmap to producing knowledge and inclusive policy recommendations. The event was organized in the light of IFI’s research initiative on “Democratizing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in the MENA region”.
Read more. watch the rerun here. |
January 2025