On June 26, 2024, our Institute in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Lebanon hosted the second launching event of our “Vulnerability Policy Tool” targeted towards representatives of INGOs based in Lebanon.
استضاف معهدنا يوم الثلاثاء ٢٨ أيار ٢٠٢٤، حفل إطلاق "المرصد البرلماني" وموقعه الإلكتروني التابع للمفكرة القانونية. ويعنى المرصد، بمراقبة وتحليل العمل التشريعي والسياسي لمجلس النواب انطلاقاً من مقاربة دستورية، وقانونية واجتماعية. افتتحت الجلسة بكلمة ترحيبية من مدير المعهد د. جوزيف باحوط، حيث أشاد بالتعاون مع المفكرة القانونية في هذا الحدث، مشيراً إلى أهمية الحياة البرلمانية في النظام الديمقراطي وضرورة فهم الحياة الداخلية لمجلس النواب وتحليل كيفية تفاعل القوى السياسية مع بعضها البعض ومع السلطة التي يفترض أن تراقب عمل هذه القوى. ولذلك، أكد باحوط أنَّ هذا المرصد يمثل ضرورة وطنية قبل كل شيء. IFI in partnership with Plan International Lebanon presented the results of their joint study “Adolescents between Siege and Hope,” on May 16, 2024. Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA), the study examines the educational and social factors leading to secondary school dropouts among vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Following opening remarks by IFI Assistant Director Yara Mourad, Director General of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) Dr. Imad Achkar, and Director of Programmes at Plan International Lebanon Elissa Al Hassrouny, a presentation of the study’s main findings was given by IFI Project Coordinator Nadia Nameh, and Education Specialist at Plan International Massa Al Mufti.
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Women, Peace, and Security Regional Hub at IFI hosted a presentation and panel discussion on “Geopsychiatry in Policy Making: Implications for War and Peace.” The presentation was given by Dr. Joseph El-Khoury, assistant professor of psychiatry and president of the Lebanese Psychiatric Society, followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Lina Kreidie, expert in political psychology and gender studies; Mia Atoui, clinical psychologist and co-founder of Embrace; Dr. Samah Jabr, psychiatrist and head of the Mental Health Unit in the Palestinian Ministry of Health; and Dr. Audrey McMahon, child and adolescent psychiatrist and World Health Organization global mental health consultant.
On April 30, our Institute hosted a discussion on “BDL’s Forensic Audit & Ways Forward,” drawing from the in depth analysis by Dr. Gaspard published by the Institute. The analysis highlighted the findings of the Alvarez & Marsal's Audit Report on the Banque du Liban (BDL), exposing its governance issues, arbitrary accounting methods by the Governor, and questionable financial practices. The discussion delved into the details of the audit, and the urgent actions for financial recovery, while emphasizing the need for responsible political leadership to execute necessary reforms for recovery. Alongside Gaspard, the discussion included former BDL Vice Governor Dr. Ghassan Ayache, and moderated by Journalist and Economic Columnist Mounir Younes.
On April 22, IFI held a talk by Dr. Umut Uzer from Istanbul Technical University titled "The ‘Day After’ in Gaza: A Turkish Version." The discussion, moderated by IFI Director Joseph Bahout, focused on Türkiye's longstanding interest in Palestinian politics, influenced by various ideological groups and political parties since the 1960s. The talk covered Türkiye's historical relations with the Palestinians, the approach toward the PLO, and the increasing interest under the AK Party since 2002, which has led to Türkiye proposing to serve as a guarantor for Palestine.
November 2024